Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hot Dogs and Rice (Dinner at My House edition)

Ok so admittedly last night we had Hot Dogs and the goodness that is Cheesy Rice A Roni. It was a sophisticated meal eaten on paper plates in front of the television! While I was cooking dinner I was on the phone with my Grandma (dad’s side) and when she asked what I was making I said “Hot Dogs and Rice” and she said “WHAT!” This response is understandable for most people, but the man that I love LOVES Hot Dogs and Rice A Roni! And you know what I do to!! HAHA! Sorry I haven’t made anything decent to post…we are going to Red Lobster tonight for my birthday so maybe Wednesday night I’ll make something FABULOUS!!

A Letter to....my Childhood!

Dear Childhood,
It was fun while it lasted. I am now 21 years old, today, and I can no longer stay in the realm that is you. You protected me from having to grow up, and you know just how to keep me happy. BUT I must be moving on…
I know this will be hard but it must be like a band-aid and make a clean break! I will revel in the memories we have made together, but the part of my life called “Adulthood” is beckoning and I must go to the light that is maturity. I am sad and will never forget how we used to ride our bikes around the driveway, make fun of my sister, and play outside all day until the sun went down. How we were able to get dirty and not worry, because Mom and Dad would be there to clean us up. You have served me well, and I most certainly will dive into the immaturity that is childhood at some point in my next 21 years, so I will be seeing you if only for a fleeting moment. Thank you for all of the memories!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Hell that is Wal-Mart

Ok…so admittedly I was once deeply in love with everything that is Wal-Mart. I loved the deals the crowds and mastering my way through the hour long check-out lines. I lived and breathed everything Wal-Mart…”Hey Courtney where did you buy (insert any random item)?” “WALMART!!!” This was my typical response.
Lately I have felt as though having to go to Wal-Mart is a death sentence and I do ANYTHING to get out of it…and I do mean anything! I began to dread the parking lot horror show, the battle with the crowds, and the old man accidentally grabbing my ass in the check-out line because he wouldn’t think of backing up in the line! Which meant I had to find a different supermarket to go to every month for groceries. I not only found an AWESOME place that I can always find a parking spot, always find a cart, and the crowd is NOTHING compared to Wal-Mart! (Hey I consider not having to flip someone off in Wal-Mart a great shopping day) I SAVED a TON of money!! I go grocery shopping once a month now and can get everything I need for a cheaper price, and because I do NOT want to go to Wal-Mart very often, I find that I don’t binge shop and over-spend on stupid things that I don’t need!! YAY ME! So all in all I wanted to share the good news, that I dont’ have to battle my demon named “Wal-Mart” any longer! The other grocery store is Price Chopper…but I don’t think it is a national grocer! SORRY!

Work and my Birthday...

So tomorrow is my 21st Birthday, I can't believe I am actually 21! M. is taking me out to dinner tomorrow but won't tell me where and he says he is going to blindfold me. Of course I keep asking for clues, but he won't give me anything substantial! Then this weekend we are taking a train to the City staying with my brother-in-law (soon to be) and then going to Philadelphia on Saturday...spending the whole day in Philly...then coming back to the City Saturday night. We might catch a movie Saturday night, we'll see...then back home on Sunday by way of the train! I love the train it's such a peaceful ride! I haven't been to Grand Central yet and that is where it will be taking us, YAY! Tomorrow night I can actually purcahse an alcoholic beverage in a restaurant! CRAZY!! I'll probably order one drink and then drink diet coke the rest of the night! I know I'm such a rebel!!
Work is work...as usual...it stinks that my birthday is the end of the month...otherwise I would have probably taken off! Oh well! More tomorrow!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sick Day...

I took a sick day from work today...I'm beyond tired. M. is going to start working on his car this weekend. And so the cycle begins! He is updating his exhaust and headers that his wonderful wife (me) bought him for Christmas and his birthday. I only call myself his wife because this is how he refers to me! TGIF...more this weekend!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Construction and Road Rage...

As an occupant of New York that must use various roadways to go about my daily business, I am always surrounded by someone with road rage. And usually not just the "finger" but the tailgaiting and various other forms of rude behavior in a vehicle. When I first moved here I was deathly afraid to drive. I thought as soon as New York residents heard that someone from Fremont, Nebraska was driving on their roadways that they would systematically run me off the road. This did not happen, and I became accostomed to driving in this great state. I landed a job that is close to the city, 1 hour and 15 minute commute each way, that brought me to almost the heart of the traffic beast! I slowly learned to navigate and to speed like a true New Yorker....along with this New York driving knowledge came unbelievable road rage! Even M. (my fiance) gets upset at my road rage. I am terrible, and if you are in my way look out.

I now wonder when I go and visit home again will I be a New Yorker visiting, or will my driving become more relaxed and I will be a normal driver again?

And good old contsruction! UGH! They just finished a section of the highway that I frequent a couple of months ago, and while my commute was better, New York state decided it would be best to screw with my commute. So they started road work at the very exit I get on and off the highway! LOVELY! So now I have to go through town on back-roads so I dont' have to sit in traffic for 30 minutes and the road rage beast will not be unleashed! Please pray for my sanity as I drive daily!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dinner at My House (2)

Chicken, Homemade Fries, and Cheesy Bread:

The chicken that we used was already pre-cooked mesquite chicken that you can buy in a nice big bag at Wal-Mart! It is very yummy, and you just have to cook it in the oven.

Put vegetable oil in a pot and turn on the heat (medium to high) to make sure it is hot enough when you are done cutting the potatoes.

Wash off 5 or 6 potatoes, we used red russet. Cut the potatoes to your liking, we cut them in small squares like French Fries! LOL

I made the Pioneer Women's garlic cheese bread, http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2009/03/garlic-cheese-bread/
That M. loves so very much now! I only modify the recipe a little bit, I don't add as much mayonnaise and if I don't have cheddar I use mozzarella, and if my fiance has eaten all of the fresh parmesan I use the pre-grated kind!

Start cooking the fries by putting batches into the oil until they are brown and crispy. Then you salt them as soon as they come out, so that salt sticks!!

Plate everything and wash it down with Ice Cold Tea!!! Yumm!!


Not feeling so well today...I came to work anyway. I am trying to save my time off for my sisters wedding in August. It seems so far away! We made a great dinner last night...I will post it later on today.

We decided on the hoedown package for our wedding. I know it sounds fairly chincey (read: redneck) but with options for steaks and sangria and a margarita bar etc. I think it will be awesome! It's also a lot cheaper then a normal sit down dinner, and we will be able to do a little bit more casual dress at the reception which is perfect because I'm not a very fance person! My fiance had a hard time agreeing to the hoedown package because he thinks I want a big elegant wedding. It's sweet of him to want to give me the world, one of the many things I love about him, but I'm not a very "elegant" type of person...and I love me a hoedown!! HAHA! Happy Wednesday....hey at least it's closer to Friday!

Last night American Idol was not on TV...because the President was speaking...BOO! I hate not having my normal line up! And the basement apartment we live in has a cable line coming from the upstairs cable box so we don't have a cable box. Which means we don't have a guide and I don't have DVR to record, watch, and rewind! BOO again! I am going to nag, whoops, I mean talk to M. about getting a box downstairs for like $10 a month!!! We shall see! Sitting at work...I am amazed at all of the wonderful blogs that keep me entertained! Thank you to all of the amazing blogs in the blogoshpere! My personal favorites are, The Pioneer Women, NieNie, PistolsandPopcorn, Shamelessly Sassy, and Big Mama. They keep me occupied when I have nothing to do! ;)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dinner At My House (1)

Steak and Rice:

Stir-Fry steak (I prefer the stir-fry meat because it comes already cut up)

A-1 Steak-sauce


Garlic (salt or the real thing)

Rice (however much you can eat...I usually make 1 1/2 cups to 3 cups water.)

Start the rice. For every 1 cup of rice it is 2 cups of water! And DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT stir the rice...it will get all mushy if you stir it at anytime. Keep it on a high flame until it boils and then turn to low heat and cover with a lid.

Fry the stir-fry steak in butter and garlic(if you have real garlic) season meat with garlic salt, seasoned salt, and salt and pepper (whatever you like for seasonings). When the steak is almost done add the teriyaki sauce in to fry the rest of the way in. I like to make sure the steak is swimming a bit, and the meat will soak up the teriyaki so it's yummy! When all of the water seems to have evaporated into the rice, take a bite if the rice is done that turn the heat off. If it's not done add a LITTLE more water...but still without stirring!

When rice is finished, add stir-fry steak with some of the teriyaki juices (if there is any left) and add A-1, to taste, to the rice and meat mixture!! So yummy and it is a staple in our kitchen. It is also very very easy! ENJOY!

Blah Day...

So this about sums up my day. Work has been...blah and I honestly feel as though BLAH should be an emotion. You know when you're bored, tired, in between a lot of things, worrying about a lot of things...I think that would best describe being BLAH!!

I ordered flowers for my childhood pastors funeral today, sad. I can't believe he's gone, he was only 57. I drove to work thinking about what it would be like to lose my fiance, and after I started to feel myself turn to mush and almost start to cry.....I called him to make sure he knew that I love him. I hope that we both have a happy and healthy life together!

Here are the flowers, I hope they are ok. I couldn't find anything that didn't look girly to me...so this is what looked the least girly. I like it and I hope that their family can get through this knowing how many lives that he has touched, because he definitely has touched many!

I think they are lovely!

Well I hope everyone has a great day! Friday can't come fast enough!

***I'm going to start doing some posts about what I make for dinner each night, in an attempt to remember what my fiance likes to eat and doesn't like to eat***

Monday, March 23, 2009

Birthdays and Endings

March has been a tough month. My fiances bithday was March 7th and his Nannie passed away on the 4th, which was somewhat expected. But still deeply saddening. Then my birthday is the 31st (21st b-day) and my pastor from childhood past away yesterday morning, the 22nd. http://www.rrstar.com/communities/x110660868/Machesney-Park-pastor-accepted-everyone So while this month was meant for happy times sadness has been pouring in.

On a lighter note we pretty much finally pick the place where we will have our wedding!! Ceremony and Reception, and because most of my family will travel it is in a beautiful hotel that is luxurious and will discount rooms for our party!! We both fell in love with this place as we were walking in, and the icing on the cake is that they are willing to work on the price for us!! YAY!! In upstate New York the sentence "we will work with you on price" is almost non-existent!

That is a little bit of an update...