Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Did you know that...

I have been up since 4:25 a.m. of my own volition! Yes, that is me the glutton for punishment! Since I moved to New York I have steadily gained weight with my venture into birth control and horrible back problems that have yet to be resolved! I have gained so much weight that I don’t recognize myself in the mirror any longer, I dieted for a good 6 months and lost maybe 6 pounds…and gave up. So I am back at it again thanks to a couple of friends that are amazingly inspirational and I am glad they are helping me!
So in order for all of us to go to the gym in the morning and make it back before our significant others wake up or go to work we leave at 4:45 to get to the gym around 5:00-5:10 they go tanning (I will once I lose weight) then we work out for an hour to about 6:15-6:20. I get home by 6:45 in enough time for a quick shower, wake up M., and leave my house by 7:30 to make it to work on time! I thought I would be more tired this morning but I wasn’t, it has just now hit me that I am lagging a little this afternoon. My co-worker walked past me while I was making copies and said something funny (or supposed to be, I’m not sure) and I giggled smiled and said “yea.” Hell if I know I could have just sold my first born to him for $1 but I couldn’t register what he had said to me! Oh well I love the energy I get from going to the gym…so this week will be rough (three days a week at 4:20 am) but I will get into a routine and make myself follow a strict regimen so I can become the person I’ve been missing for awhile!
Happy Tuesday…almost Wednesday not close enough to Friday!

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